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🔑Access recovery


What you should provide us

  1. Account ID. In case you don't remember it, list the exact skin names, that were present at your account.

  2. Screenshots from GooglePlay/AppStore, with your latest (!) purchases from the PetriDish game. Dates and amounts should be clearly visible.

  3. New master-password. At least 6 characters, dIffErEnt CaSe, better to use numbers+letters.

Send us this information using any listed method:

  1. (contact admins, zippomode preferred)

  2. (only if you have no other methods, longest time to answer)

Where latest purchases.

Google Play:

  1. Select History.

App Store:

  1. Tap the round avatar of your account

  2. Select Purchases.

Purchases via / / coupon codes:

  1. Go to the email used while purchasing from oplata info

  2. search for a message by "" or ""

  3. find date + coupon amount

  4. screenshot by prt screen button


  1. login via your email

  2. screenshot

  1. Go to the email

  2. search for a message by "xsolla" or maybe petridish

  3. screenshot

No purchases:

You need to provide accurate data that no one other than the original account Creator can know. There is a chance that your account contains mail. Maybe we can help.

Next time do not lose your account.

Last updated